Weiqun Zhang, Ann Almgren, Vince Beckner, John Bell, Johannes Blaschke, Cy Chan, Marcus Day, Brian Friesen, Kevin Gott, Daniel Graves, Max P. Katz, Andrew Myers, Tan Nguyen, Andrew Nonaka, Michele Rosso, Samuel Williams, Michael Zingale. AMReX: a framework for block-structured adaptive mesh refinement. Journal of Open Source Software, 4, 1370, 2019.
Felix Ruehle, Johannes Blaschke, Jan-Timm Kuhr, and Holger Stark. Gravity-induced dynamics of microswimmers in wall proximity. New Journal of Physics, 20, 025003, 2018.
Jan-Timm Kuhr, Johannes Blaschke, Felix Ruehle, and Holger Stark. Collective sedimentation of squirmers under gravity. Soft Matter, 13 7548-7555, 2017.
Johannes Blaschke, Maurice Maurer, Karthik Menon, Andreas Zoettl, and Holger Stark. Phase separation and coexistence of hydrodynamically interacting microswimmers. Soft Matter, 12, 9821-9831, 2016.
Klaus Roeller, Johannes Blaschke, Stephan Herminghaus, and Juergen Vollmer. Arrest of the flow of wet granular matter. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 738, 407-422, December 2013.
Johannes Blaschke and Juergen Vollmer. Granular Brownian motors: Role of gas anisotropy and inelasticity. Phys. Rev. E, 87, 040201(R), 2013
Johannes Blaschke, Tobias Lapp, Bjoern Hof, and Juergen Vollmer. Breath Figures: Nucleation, Growth, Coalescence, and the Size Distribution of Droplets. Phys. Rev. Lett., 109, 068701, 2012.
Paul Martinsen, Johannes Blaschke, Rainer Kuennemeyer, and Robert Jordan. Accelerating Monte Carlo simulations with an NVIDIA® graphics processor. Comput Phys Commun, 180, 1983-1989, 2009.